Barbara Perry is the Board President. She retired from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office in 2015 after 23 years, where she was an administrator in the jail.
In May 2009, when it appeared the Lincoln County Animal Shelter (owned and operated by the Sheriff’s Office) would close, Barbara led two training sessions known as “Dream Big”. Community members gave their ideas on how to save the shelter and what they wanted their ideal shelter to be like.
In August of that year Sgt. Perry was appointed to be the Interim Manager of the Animal Shelter, a position she held until a permanent manager was hired in April 2010. During her tenure, she implemented many of the ideas that came from the Dream Big sessions. Additionally, she changed the shelter from open admission / high kill to managed admission where animals were not euthanized to make room for more.
Barbara is originally from Kansas and came to Oregon by way of Nevada. She holds degrees in Education, Law Enforcement, and Public Administration.

Heather Lee-Lindsley is the Board Vice President. She has always been passionate about rescuing animals. Spaying and neutering are so important and she is trying to spread the word. Less unwanted litters mean fewer animals in shelters or worse, being homeless. Heather not only works with CCHS in Lincoln County but also Puplandia in Portland. She is excellent at finding low-cost vet clinics and solutions to helping animals. She is our Facebook administrator. Contact her through Messenger.
Karen Henson is a Board Secretary.

Tom Harris is the Board Treasurer. He is one of those odd ducks that really enjoys accounting and the numbers side of non-profit organizations. Tom has a degree in accounting from California State University – Hayward. He was accepted at Berkeley for the MBA program, but was romanced away to Chevron Corporation after only a couple courses. He worked in manufacturing plants, company headquarters and corporate headquarters over those 25 years, in accounting, financial management and financial systems.
Tom, and his wife Jeri, (Yup, they are Tom and Jeri) moved to Pullman WA after pulling off an early retirement in 2007, and he was a very active volunteer there, serving as Treasurer and Business Manager for the Whitman County Humane Society for 15 years. Tom also provided accounting support for six other non-profits during that time. Tom and Jeri also provided long range transport for some truly big sweeties, working with Idaho Saint Bernard Rescue in getting them to their forever homes.
Tom has always had dogs and cats in the home, and instilled a love and respect for animals in his two daughters. He knows, while compassionate treatment of animals is foremost, the emotional benefits received by the people who love and care for them are huge. His work is not just for the animals, but for the people they live with.
Sue Trapp is a Board Member-at-Large. She and her husband, Jeff, and purchased a property in Newport about 20 years ago. They moved here full-time 6 years ago after retiring from the Fire Service. They have ZZ, a 12 y/o Australian Shepherd (watch the movie Marmaduke, he plays Mazie), and Ping, a 5 y/o Pomeranian (he’s just cute), and are working on a feral colony on their property. Sue was raised in a small town in Northern California where she had dogs, cats, goats, horses, and chickens and was a member of 4-H during her youth. As an adult, she began rescuing cats and dogs from private owners so they wouldn’t go to the shelter, and vets in town who knew her wouldn’t say no. She trained or medically rehabilitated them and found them new loving homes. She was a volunteer with Second Time Around Aussie Rescue (STAAR), a national organization based in Bryan, Texas, for 5 years. As a volunteer, she went to shelters or private parties to evaluate and accept Aussies into the organization. She was a foster home and provided basic obedience training, screening applications, home visits, reference checks before placement. She became a volunteer with Animal Friends Rescue Project (AFRP), a local cat and dog rescue organization in Pacific Grove, Monterey County, California. She fostered, did transport, adoption events, and fundraising. Sue was employed with AFRP as the Santa Cruz county manager for 10 years. She coordinated 50-100 volunteers and rescued around 800 animals a year.
Laura Shattuck is a Board Members-at-Large.
Kathy Warner is a Board Members-at-Large.
Kriss Hoffman is a Board Members-at-Large.